Find Out if Your State Is America’s Past or Future
This map shows where the country is going
The demographics of the United States will look radically different in the next several decades. But you don’t have to wait 45 years to see a picture of that America. Just go to Texas.The racial and ethnic makeup of the Lone Star State today closely resembles what the entire country is expected to look like half-a-century from now. Roughly a third of population is Hispanic and less than half the population is white.
Each state below is labeled with the year in which the demographics of the country most resembled the current demographics of that state. For example, the current makeup of Ohio is very similar to what the nation as a whole looked like in 1976.
To produce a year for each state, TIME compared the current percentage of white, black, Hispanic and Asian residents to the same percentages on a national level for every year from 1900 through 2060.
Some matches are closer than others. States with small black populations, like Iowa, are typically matched to the year 1930, the year with the lowest percentage of black residents nationally. States with large Hispanic populations typically match to future projections.
Yikes, don't tell Pat Buchanan