Monday, October 13, 2014

Are the Dems desperate?

Ad Blames GOP Budget Cuts For Ebola Outbreak

The Agenda Project is a progressive non-profit political organization founded in 2010 by  author Erica Payne. This ad, featuring clips of Mitch McConnell, Pat Roberts, and many other Republicans implies that austerity cuts to the CDC and NIH are responsible for the 2014 Ebola outbreak. This ad with run in Kentucky and other states leading up to the election.

Senate No Toss Ups

Current Senate: 55* Democrats | 45 Republicans
47 Democrats *
Net Change
GOP +7
Republicans 52
47 Dem*152 GOP
0 Pick-Ups 8 Pick-Ups
Democrats Republicans
Pick-ups Pick-ups (AK · AR · CO · IA · LA · MT · SD · WV)
* Sen. Bernard Sanders (I-VT) & Sen. Angus King (I-ME) currently caucus with the Democrats.
Senate No Toss Ups - Race Changes


  1. "Double-digit rate hikes for individual health insurance plans have become an issue in the Louisiana and Iowa Senate races over the past week, where the Republican candidates are hammering their Democratic opponents for the steep premium increases on the way next year for some customers under the Affordable Care Act."

    "In Louisiana, Rep. Bill Cassidy called the double-digit increases for some insurers — including Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana — “another hurdle for families and businesses already struggling under the demands of Obamacare” and blamed Democrats for “false promises” that premiums would go down. In Iowa, Senate candidate Joni Ernst used the sharp rate increases for two insurers to blast the Democratic candidate, Rep. Bruce Braley, for supporting the law, charging that “thousands of Iowans are paying for it.”"

    Read more:

    1. 1st Blue cross blue shield the nations "not for profit" healthcare plan is a total sham. They have always been known for high premiums and poor benefits. The places that are incurring high premium increases are the republican run states that refused to set up proper exchanges and have to rely on the limited resources and plans of the national system. Example my state of NC where there were 3 to 4 choices two of them through BCBSNC, already notoriously high. NC, like Iowa and Louisiana all republican run at the state level decided to hurt their citizens by not creating a state exchange. On the other hand that great state of Kentucky although the have a couple of horses asses in the United States Senate is run by a democratic governor. Kentucky set up a state run plan, one of the first states to do so and today Kentucky citizens are enjoying the benefits of Governor Steve Beshear's foresight. More Kentuckians have sign up for insurance through the ACA per capita then any other state and most are saving money on those plans because the choices are broad. Only William, in the republican states that have chose to fight the system instead of joining it, are these increase problems being felt to the max. If you check out a state with a state exchange you will find a whole different scenario. That's the point that republicans fail to communicate to their constituencies, It's OUR fault your state exchange doesn't work as it should. We ain't got one, so you pay more.

  2. Now what you have chosen to post is a hypothetical map showing no toss ups. My friend too many races with in the margin of error to even consider this. My state the repubs and/with the help of the Koch's thought you'd run roughshod over Kay Hagan and she is holding her own head to head with state house speaker Thom Tillis. In the three way race that it is (Yes there is a libertarian running also) the libertarian is running about 6% of the vote most of it siphoned off Thom Tillis. In Georgia, yes Georgia the daughter of past senator Sam Nunn, Michelle Nunn has pulled within 2% of her republican opponent David Perdue. Boy this guys story needs to be told. Did you know William That he presided over the largest one day loss of jobs in the State of NC while he was CEO of Pillowtex? Yep bankrupt. 7600 people lost their jobs and he walked away 1.7 million dollars richer. He's everything wrong with corporate America all rolled up into one package. No wonder he only talks about his time at Dollar General. And here you thought he was the Chicken Guy. No he isn't. But he ain't telling anybody that.
    Your boy Mitch the bitch McConnell might not survive. He is neck and neck with Alison Grimes the Ky secretary of state who was instrumental with Steve Beshear in the start up of the nation's best ACA exchange KYnect. The repubs will probably pick up Louisiana, Alaska and Arkansas. But you may very well lose Kansas, and Georgia. Everything else is too close way too close to call with your Bullshit no toss ups map. Hey my boy Cory Booker looks like he is running strong up there! Booker for prez in 2024!.

    1. In the generic congressional pull the repubs are at +1.5% too close to call. If it wasn't for gerrymandering that would be interesting. That bitch Renee Ellmers is in a race with Clay Aiken. He absolutely destroyed her in their debate as she showed her narrow mindedness while talking about gay rights. Does she not know Aiken is gay?

    2. With BO having the veto it really doesn't matter. But even you ric must agree that Harry Reid is a shit.

    3. Have you ever seen me defend Reid or for that matter Pelosi? No I have not. I realize the dem leadership is just as shitty as the repub leadership is. I really think we are going to get a 50/50 senate or 50 repubs 49 dems and Orman in Kansas caucusing with the dems. Biden is going to be a man of great power. Now I also realize that Biden is very quirky but he is also a very smart man.

    4. For what it's worth, I think Reid is kind of an asshole too but when my only other option is Sharon Angle, it's not hard to choose. Reid and Pelosi are favorite right of center whipping statues.

      Though the Dems are going to lose the senate, largely because this is historically what always happens in this kind of mid term, it's become irrelevant. For the gazillionth time, the rules have changed and though the constitution does not call for every vote to be a 2/3 majority, that's the way it works. Reid did it, now McAsshole is doing the same. Anything less than a 60 seat majority is really becoming irrelevant

  3. "the CDC was given nearly $3 billion to fight infectious diseases but spent only 6% of that for its declared purpose.

    A much larger share of the money was spent on community transformation grants to increase access to healthy foods and promote improvements in sidewalks to make it easy for people to walk and ride bikes"

    Read More At Investor's Business Daily: 
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    1. "A much larger share of the money was spent on community transformation grants to increase access to healthy foods and promote improvements in sidewalks to make it easy for people to walk and ride bikes""

      Sigh, here I go again attempting a rational response to a post where you are doing nothing but slinging stupid shit against the wall. By all standards, obesity is a real, bonafide epidemic that is literally costing this nation billions and billions of dollars a year. Not only in terms of medical care, but also in lost productivity. Fat people tend to be chronically ill with a host of problems ranging from diabetes, to hypertension and other cardiac related diseases to orthopedic issues. It's not rocket science to make the conclusion that chronically ill people are at increased risk for infectious disease. Healthier people fight infections much better than sick people do.

      At the hospital level, it's F'n ridiculous how much money is spent on ass kissing instead of reducing risk of spreading infection. In the last hospital I worked in, we had CARPETING, yes CARPETING lining the hallway floor of the ICU. When patients are on contact isolation, physicians routinely ignore the protocol, refuse to wear an isolation gown and march right into the room, examine the patient with their stethoscope, and go right to the next room without disinfecting the stethoscope. When it comes to antibiotics, many facilities routinely allow doctors to prescribe whatever antibiotics they want instead of forcing them to reserve potent antibiotics for certain situations to help cut down on resistance.

      Maybe what we need is a truly Darwinian response. Let's just cut all funding to the CDC and wipe out this entire country of idiots with a super plague because after all, pure capitalism will save everything.

    2. Again you exaggerate Max. Just imagine if we actually spent 3B fighting or preparing to fight infectious diseases as the money was intended.

      Just this past year we were graced locally with four new curb cut handicap ramps at a bisection of two county roads. All four ramps nicely lead into overgrown grassy areas, not a connecting sidewalk within miles.

      Now wouldn't it be nice Max if that money wasn't wasted and instead was used wisely as intended.

    3. Your handicap ramps have nothing to do with this other than to pay homage to the libertarian outrage of the disabilities act. It's superfluous to the infectious disease comment. Stay on point.

      You have no answer for what I said. I doubt you have any sort of understanding about the big picture of what fighting infection means. All you know is that the ultra conservative editorial board at IBD has issued a truly ridiculous talking point. IBD is awesome as a stock picking tool, but is as useful as toilette paper in all matters.

    4. The cranes will be next William. They didn't put in the ramps for nothing.

    5. Last I checked Max being obese wasn't infectious. Please correct me if I'm incorrect.

    6. "Last I checked Max being obese wasn't infectious. Please correct me if I'm incorrect."

      Wow William, you and the mullahs at IBD are soooooooooooo much smarter than everyone else. Obesity isn't infectious, and yet, over a third of all Americans are obese and this number has grown decade after decade, especially in children. So, yeah, let's not treat obesity like the public health threat that it is because after all, it's technically not infectious.

    7. The 3B was appropriated to combat infectious disease Max. I'm sure we have 20 or 30 other programs dealing with obesity.

      Fat people flying in from Africa to feed donuts to our population. I can picture the image now. The TSA turning then away at the airport.

      It's infectious people we have to deal with Max, not bike lanes.

  4. 53-47

    1. flip the number either way, it means nothing. The only thing I am really praying for is the day when you come here and bitch that the evil Harry Reid is blocking all legislation that can't clear a filibuster so I can throw that stupid ass comment you made back in your face that if America wanted the Democrats to have power, they would have given them sixty senate seats

    2. Max you don't get it. I support the 60 vote filibuster in the Senate. I believe in divided government. Earier This century when the GOP had the hammer, and lately when the DEM's had it they both spent like drunken sailors.

      I do value the GOP currently having both houses only for the reason that I think BO should be impeached for various reasons. It will be interesting to see BO veto upcoming spending bills.

    3. Interesting that you support something the founding fathers never intended. If the founding fathers intended that every fucking bill should have 60 senate votes to pass, they would have made it so. What you really believe in is that that people you don't agree with should NEVER be allowed to govern no matter what margin they are elected by. You and the rest of the tea bagger crowd are intoxicated with your outrage and the rightness of your cause.

    4. Bullshit, the Senate and House can set their own rules. The filibuster provides time for debate and a full venting of all ideas.

      In this way we don't get an ACA (one sixth of our economy) without one opposition vote.
